Monday, July 30, 2012

diy salt clay feathers

   I have wanted to do this project for a while now. In the past, I wasn't a huge fan of wearing jewelry but in the past few months I've been having fun with it. But spending $20 on one simple necklace isn't something I enjoy doing. So of course making it works wonderfully. Here is a recipe for salt clay that you can make with stuff around your kitchen. It's easy to use and cheap as well.
I used a knife before I realized foil would be easier.
So my oven's temperature is controlled with numbers 1-8 instead of normal degrees.. So I never know how to set the temperature correctly which caused me to burn these a little bit.

       The only tip I have is to wait a while to put in metal rings or anything to make them jewelry.. When I painted mine, they got a little softer which makes them easier to break.. I didn't wait long enough for it to dry completely and ended up breaking the earrings I was planning on making :/ But If you wait, I'm sure they will be fine!

   I am hoping to use some of these for a dream catcher and some other crafts. But we'll see! Let me know if you have any questions!

1 comment:

  1. probably the best craft for me ever! i LOVE to bake, but i love making crafts even more.. now i get to do both (kinda)! haha thanks so much for a great blog!


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